November 12, 2021, 2 - 3:30 pm , State Opera
The final forum is the culmination of the discussion series on transnationalism in culture and society and discusses findings and impulses from the main and specialist forums. The panelists will formulate recommendations for action in cultural and market policy that are groundbreaking for cultural policy, cultural institutions and the economy, and will debate solutions for a culture that thinks further.

Dr. Carsten Brosda
Senator for Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg German Stage Association, President |

Gitte Zschoch
Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Secretary General (from October 2021) European Union National Institutes for Culture, Managing Director Network of European Cultural Institutes, Managing Director |

Tobias Knoblich
Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V., President City of Erfurt, Head of Cultural Affairs |

Annekathrin Klepsch
City of Dresden, Second Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Culture and Tourism
Subject to change.