Das ARTE Magazin ist die monatliche Programmzeitschrift des ARTE magazine is the monthly program guide of the European culture channel ARTE. It provides informative background reports, features, interviews and details about ARTE TV programs. Its authors are renowned journalists and writers. An integral part of the magazine is ARTE's complete monthly program with its special emphasis on highlights and theme nights. The use of augmented reality gives the printed magazine new and modern dynamics.
"Bühnentechnische Rundschau", the trade magazine for event technology, theater architecture and scenography, publishes information on technical innovations, current projects and productions, as well as training opportunities. The BTR is published both in print and as an app.
The classics are now! Stars like Anna Netrebko are enthusiastic about classical music. Opera and concerts celebrate the Renaissance. crescendo is Germany's most exciting magazine for classical music and its way of life. With about a quarter of a million readers, it is one of the most important cultural magazines in Germany.
The one call it the „New Yorker of the East“, the other a monthly grab bag: DAS MAGAZIN, founded in 1924, ist constantly reinventing itself and has been successful for decades with its unusual mixture of journalism and literature. On this page you will find a short timeline of the long history. In a further overview will be presented interesting actors who crossed the paths of the MAGAZIN.
Theaterverlag and its magazines Theater heute, Opernwelt and tanz offer precisely argued and entertainingly written reviews, inform about current stage events, present portraits of artists and publish interviews with all the important people in the theater. Developments in cultural politics and aesthetics are analyzed with journalistic competence. The Bühnentechnische Rundschau contains specialist information on event technology, theater construction and scenography.
Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany's international broadcaster. DW stands for indepth, reliable information in 30 languages. DW provides a comprehensive picture of Germany in the European context through television, radio, and websites. Euromaxx is DW's cultural and lifestyle magazine. The TV magazine offers its international clientele an interesting insight into European culture and lifestyle. Euromaxx is presented once a week in English, German, Spanish and Arabic.
"Fundraiser" is the bimonthly magazine in Germany, Austria and Switzerland dedicated to social marketing, donations, and foundations. The editors focus on know-how, ideas and experiences for and by non-profit organizations.
HAUPTSTADT.TV broadcasts a 24-hour television program for Berlin, Potsdam and the entire capital region.
HORIZONT is the industry newspaper for marketing, advertising and media. Its subjects cover the full spectrum of modern marketing communication: from marketing concepts to the companies, trends and tendencies in agency business to developments in classical and non-classical media to the setting of agendas in the area of interactive media. As trade paper for the entire marketing community, HORIZONT reports weekly on all aspects of marketing communications.

INTHEGA (Association of Interests of the Cities with Guest Performances of Theatres e.V.) represents about 400 local municipalities in German-speaking countries with about twelve million inhabitants, who would not have direct access to the performing arts without the guest performances staged in their theatres. INTHEGA pursues the goal of supporting the organizers and providers of guest performances in their work, thus enabling sophisticated and appealing cultural events of high quality. The association attaches great value to a large variety of services with bi-annual events ("INTHEGA-Jahrestagung" in spring and "INTHEGA-Theatermarkt" in autumn), regular publications (INTHEGA Kultur- and Spielplan-Journal) and a database which gives an overview of all organizers, providers and productions in the guest performance sector.
KM Kulturmanagement Network GmbH operates with Internet-based business information services that are focused on cultural management and career platforms for professionals and managers in the German-speaking and international cultural scene.
Published by Bunk-Verlag, Kulturnews has been providing its readers with a broad and always up-to-date overview of art and culture for 30 years. The magazine is published monthly free of charge and has been supplemented cross-medially by the website www.kulturnews.de since 2012. In addition to books, film, music and art, it is also dedicated to urban culture and podcasts and presents live events.
To the magazine
To the website
Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft is a nationwide cultural policy association of interested and engaged individuals that is committed to representing the views and experiences of its 1,500 members from the different fields of cultural and cultural-political practice in the industry discourse. It pioneers ideas and concepts for a cultural policy of the future and is committed to cultivating responsible public cultural policy, cultural diversity and artistic freedom as the foundations of a democratic, intercultural society.
K.WEST cultivates close liaisons with theater and art, opera and dance, film, architecture, literature, cultural history, design, and music. K.WEST is the guide for anyone who wants to find their way in the cultural landscape of North Rhine Westphalia.
The business directory marketing-BÖRSE is one of the biggest German-language marketing platforms. Over 20.000 specialized providers of affiliate marketing, search engine-optimization as well as target-group analysis are represented. For every company, details such as press releases, white papers, memberships and activities are being displayed.
On behalf of society, MDR produces a freely accessible and diverse range of programming for everyone in Central Germany - and for all of Germany via its joint offerings such as Das Erste or KiKA - with content from the areas of information, education, advice and entertainment. In order to reach as many people as possible every day, MDR's offerings are aimed at different age and target groups.
With a weekly magazine, daily newsletter and website, the magazine new business is directed at decision makers in marketing, advertising and media. It is one of the most important information platforms for the communications industry in Germany.
"Opernwelt" provides cogent and informative reviews of opera productions on all continents, giving you a glimpse into the backstage world, interviewing the makers and pursuing cultural policy. "Opernwelt" is published both in print and as an app.
PUBLIC MARKETING is a monthly business magazine for the public sector in Germany. Its editors report on marketing concepts and strategies as well as communication and brand management of cities, regions, universities, associations, museums and theatres etc.
As the leading regional daily newspaper in the Dresden regional office, the Sächsische Zeitung provides hundreds of thousands of readers with news from around the world and the latest news from the region every day. With more than 21 local editions, the editors of the Sächsische Zeitung are directly on the spot and research thematically so very close to the everyday life of their readers. With Sächsische.de, the news portal for Saxony, readers have regional reports and stories, deeply researched facts and backgrounds, and exclusive interviews on their tablet or smartphone with them and stay informed. No matter where and always up-to-date.
Sächsische Zeitung and the news portal Sächsische.de are published by DDV Mediengruppe.
"Stiftung & Sponsoring" is the leading independent trade magazine for nonprofit management and marketing in the German-speaking world. Published since 1998, it covers the socially important field of charitable activities from the perspective of donors, benefactors, charities, and sponsors. With its wide range of distinctive contributions by experienced experts supplemented by its service section, it provides a practical forum for information and basic and specialized knowledge on the Third Sector. Each edition includes the technical leaflet "Red Pages", which covers specific subjects in the NPO area in particular detail.
"tanz" covers new trends in ballet, dance theater and performance. It connects practice with theory and presents the most exciting personalities on the stage in detail. "tanz" is published both in print and as an app.

tanznetz.de is the largest online portal for artistic stage dance in the German-speaking world with over 20,000 registered users. It serves as a guide to dance institutions, ensembles and artists, structures information available online and thus enables all interested parties to gain an overview of the dance scene.
"Theater heute" provides engaging and stimulating reporting written by distinguished authors of the most important theater productions in German-speaking countries and in the theater capitals of the world. "Theater heute" is published both in print and as an app.
The independent information service for managers in the theater, concert and events businesses. Since 1996 TheaterManagement has published background information, trends and practical tips about the live performing arts segment in Germany on a quarterly basis.
Based in Cologne, WA Media GmbH, which was founded in 1982, is a media service provider, information platform and event organiser for haptic advertising themes. The portfolio of the specialist publisher includes diverse magazines for the German and European promotional products and marketing market: the domestic industry publication Werbeartikel Nachrichten and the English-language eppi magazine as well as the two end user magazines Promotion Products and HAPTICA®. Furthermore, WA Media organises the “HAPTICA® live – The Experience of Haptic Advertising” and the international Promotional Gift Award competition on an annual basis.