November 11, 2021, 10 am - 1 pm, Zentralkino (small hall)
Diversity has long since become relevant for the corporate organization of cultural institutions. Currently, 80% of German cultural personnel are female, but only 20% of them are in management positions, and only a small fraction is socialized in Eastern Germany. People with a post-migrant background are also underrepresented. This is a condition that does not reflect the actual structure of modern society in the least. In addition, while digitization presents new opportunities for staff recruitment, it also creates new challenges. Human resources managers in cultural institutions therefore need strategic approaches to a diverse workforce, including the development of an authentic employer and corporate brand.
9 am - 9:45 am
Opening Session in the State Opera
9:45 am - 10 am
Coffee Break & Networking
10 am - 10:45 am
Cultural Personnel and Diversity
Moderated discussion with Adrienne Boros, Museum Foundation Post and Telecommunications, Head of Human Resources, Organization and Legal Affairs; Dr. Iris Edenheiser, Museum of European Cultures, Deputy Director
Diversity is on everyone's lips. But what does it mean in the everyday life of cultural institutions? How is diversity lived - in the program, in the audience, but especially with regard to staff? How is an atmosphere created that promotes diversity and creativity? Where do you find staff with different cultural and personal backgrounds? - Adrienne Boros, Head of Human Resources, Organization and Law at the Museum Foundation Post and Telecommunications, will seek answers to these questions. Additionally, Iris Edenheiser, Deputy Director of the Museum of European Cultures - National Museums in Berlin, will take a decided look at the role of management personnel as well as networks and solidarity alliances in diversification processes.
10:45 am - 11 am
Coffee Break & Networking
11 am - 11:30 am |

© SMB Juliane Eirich
Miriam Camara
akoma coaching & consulting, Managing Director
11:30 am - 11:45 am
Coffee Break & Networking
11:45 am- 12:15 pm |

© Abdusalam Ajaj
Diversity in Berlin's Cultural Sector
Sandrine Micossé-Aikins
Head of Diversity Arts Culture
12:15 pm - 12:30 pm
Coffee Break & Networking
12:30 pm - 1 pm |
Discussion with all Speakers
1 pm - 2 pm
Lunch Break
Subject to change.
A transfer to the other topic forums are possible during breaks.